​​​​Book John

John Meluso
For an insightful, engaging and exciting keynote speaker, book John Meluso for your next event.
introducing john melusoJohn Meluso CSP is an internationally acclaimed motivational speaker and is the author of three books: eye  TALK– Bridging from Communication to Connection; The Divine Secret; and The Next Step for Positive Living, co-authored with Joseph Bernard, PhD.

Offering timeless wisdom, scientifically proven facts and easy to apply daily practical tools in Guaranteed Goals & Solutions. You can achieve you greatest with the online life coaching module developed by John in Guaranteed Goals & Solutions. With guilt-free accountability and expressed gratitudes with self score boards, this coaching module fosters support for connection with your authentic self.

Remarkable pathways for success are in all areas of your life with the keys for success found in eye TALK, The Divine Secret and Guaranteed Goals & Solutions, of The Next Step for Positive Living.

Achieve personal, professional, financial and relationship success beyond your wildest dreams!

What would your business and personal life be like with 300% increase of effectiveness?

John Meluso brings tremendous value to all of his events with his speaking and training, John generates more value by including products as a bonus when booking your event. Realizing that the true success of any event demands practical tools for greater effectiveness, John supports his audiences with his materials that bring lasting effect not only in people’s business lives, the Guaranteed Keys for Success enrich personal lives as a bonus.
Each Key for Guaranteed Goals and Solutions assures 100% increase of effectiveness.

Napoleon Hill wisely offered Think and Grow Rich, and now John Meluso CSP offers Connect and Grow Wealthy!


Uncover your invisible communication style while learning to speak the hidden languages of eye TALK in business with clients and co-workers and at home with your mate and your children. Find your true connections! Connect and Be Wealthy with eye TALK.
Front The Divine Secret smaller.fw
Improve your communication style by discovering impeccable word choices in The Divine Secret: The Legend of Og Lives to lead you to a more successful, peaceful and prosperous life as you journey to becoming your greatest.Learn new ways to live your life to its fullest and construct guaranteed blueprints for success with Guaranteed Goals & Solutions.
Book John Meluso and Plan Your Event

Book John with Otellus
Otellus has streamlined the planning and booking process for professional keynote speakers, sales training speakers and event planners with an easy-to-use online resource center. Otellus is committed to bringing best practices and constant innovation to the event planning industry by listening and responding to client needs.
Book John with Otellus
Book John with Five Star
FIVE STAR Speakers and Trainers is one of the country’s premiere leadership, business, sales and motivational speakers bureau’s assisting corporations, associations and agencies. FIVE STAR will save you time by handling the details and save you money as their services are free. FIVE STAR pledges to gain your trust one event at a time.
Book John with Five Star
Book John with Equanimity
Equanimity is a leading speakers bureau and training company offering event planning solutions. Equanimity means a steady calmness in the face of change, and it is what they strive to help organizations and individuals achieve. Equanimity’s distinctive team advantage is in “connecting” others and building long‑term relationships.
Book John with Equanimity

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